Well a year later this article seems to have attracted some attention. Lovely. Anyway, as I wrote this article a year ago my views have changed a bit. I may write a followup at some point, but not today. There are a few things I'd like to mention, though. First of all, a few people have pointed out that I'm responding to "a comedy article", as if the fact that Pargin thinks he's being funny makes his assertions any less nonsensical. This isn't the Onion taken seriously, this is one of Cracked's unfunny writers trashing men with tumblr-feminist drivel. That said, I'm not really a fan of this article. I don't like the way I wrote it and I think it gives far too much attention to something that doesn't really need it. Of course, at the time that article was being passed around with the suggestion that it was something men could really learn from, which put it in a bit of a different context. Now it's just some shitty cracked article that isn't funny. Oh well. Also, some of you seem to have construed this article as anti-feminist. It's not, and I'm not. There's nothing feminist about sexist generalizations.
I recently read an article on Cracked by one Jason Pargin, Senior Editor, under the pen name David Wong entitled "5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women". Frankly, I was appauled. I don't know whether this is a reflection of Pargin's own life or something he's cobbled together from the worst the internet has to offer, but what it is not is an accurate reflection of men. I'm sure there are some people out there who will fit the bill, but that's not what he's saying. This guy's making blanket statements about this stuff, and that's complete nonsense. I'm going to address this one part at a time.
First, the introduction. Pargin points out misogyny on both FreeRepublic, a conservative site, and Reddit, a fairly liberal site. These are actual posts that exist on the internet, but what are they really reflective of? I can go find as many posts as you want about any extremely offensive subject that you like, advocating horrors and espousing utter filth. It demonstrates that there are some pretty fucked up people out there, but we already knew that. It doesn't demonstrate that they're anywhere near the norm, and we have no reason to believe they are.
#5. We Were Told that Society Owed Us a Hot Girl
Here the author states that men feel entitled to a woman because the media has trained them to think that way. He seems to derive that idea of entitlement from the emotional reaction that may sometimes accompany rejection. Of course, there's no reason to assume the presence of anything extra to explain someone being emotional after being rejected. They got their hopes up and stuck their neck out and it didn't work out. Men try to protect their conception of themselves, just as women do. We don't want to think of ourselves as devalued because someone we put value in didn't put value in us. Some men respond to this by feeling worse about themselves, some men respond to it by rejecting the woman (you can't fire me, I quit), and others respond rationally by telling themselves they just weren't compatible, but even that last guy is probably still kinda bummed, especially if it wasn't a spur of the moment thing.
One of the things that irritated me so much about this article is that some of the points he's trying to get at actually have some room to give advice to people who need it and instead of that he's painting with very broad strokes and not offering any suggestions. It really is helpful to be able to step back and look at your situation so you don't blow your top. Lack of control has no preference for gender, there are women who deal just as badly with rejection as any men do.
After a few assertions phrased like questions at the top he, moves on to detail some "examples" of this in media. His argument is that in movies, tv, books, and games the good guy wins the girl. There are a few problems with this. First, he ignores every story in which the lead has no romantic interest. Whoops. Second, he's breaking the fifth wall in regard to character decision making. To say that the romantic interest has no choice but to fall in love with the hero (which she doesn't always do), is the same as saying that the hero has no choice but to defeat the villain. You can't just erase character motivation because you think you know the archetypal elements of the story you're looking at. Are there instances where the hero gets the girl and her opinion isn't addressed? Sure, in older or more simplistic stories (the archery contest in Robin Hood, Donkey Kong), but there are also instances where the girl has no interest in the hero despite his success, or where the hero doesn't succeed at all. There are many stories in which the hero's love is unrequited and stays that way, and not every hero is a hero. Many heroes are losers. Again, blanket statements and cherry-picking.
Now he comes back to entitlement, and again asserts that men's problem is with women exercising choice, rather than with men being just as emotional as anyone else. That he finds a causal connection with media here is laughable. Clearly he's forgetting the mating practices of the rest of the animal world.
#4. We're Trained from Birth to See You as Decoration
Here Pargin talks about how men only think about sex, ever. He says that the fundamental difference between male and female sexuality is that sometimes women aren't thinking about sex. So now we know that Pargin thinks about sex every minute of every day. This explains why he has such a warped perspective. If I was constantly distracted by sex I'd probably half-ass my social commentary too. He moves on to cherry-pick that awful FreeRepublic site some more. Again, yes, there are extreme examples of all kinds of crazy offensive shit if you go looking for them, but that doesn't say anything about everybody else. A little more cherry-picking and we're on our way.
#3 We Think You're Conspiring With Our Boners to Ruin Us
Here he starts out talking about public masturbation. He details stories about men who get their dicks caught in things and have to be freed, using this to suggest that women don't masturbate in public, just men. I'm sure the fact that it would be impossible for a woman to get stuck in something she was fucking has no impact on the number of women who get stuck in the things they're fucking. None at all. Also, apparently all these men were interviewed by "Wong" after wedging their wangs while wanking, and personally asserted that they were not, in fact, fetishists, but terribly impatient. Fascinating.
Next he starts making a bunch of claims about the brain that he doesn't really seem to fully grasp. He claims to have a "theory" but offers no scientific papers or peer review related to it. He cites a study that mentions an increase of activity in the amygdala and hypothalamus in men, but not women, while viewing arousing pictures, but this study makes no claims related to his own. He then goes on to accuse men of being so helplessly enthralled by their sexuality that even at their grandmother's funeral they'll be busy looking at tits. I lost my grandmother last year and I can assure you, I was not looking for tits. A stiff drink, maybe, but not tits. I don't really have anything else to say about that claim other than it's insulting and demeaning.
Now he gets into the idea that men are angry with women for wearing provocative clothing because it turns them on. I'm sure this is true of some men, but again, he's painting with broad strokes and has no evidence for his claims. He talks about how his female friends balk when he explains to them that their bodies have given them mind-control powers over him. I'd balk too. Moving on.
#2 We Feel Like Manhood Was Stolen from Us at Some Point
He's almost touching on something real here. Almost. He talks about learning that you're not supposed to show people your dick, piss wherever you want, attack people, jump off of high objects, or light things on fire. These things, he says, are "core male urges" that we now supress. Let's examine that.
First, the penis. One thing we did learn at a young age is that society wants nothing to do with our penises. Not only should we not take them out, we should hide them so that people can pretend they don't exist. Failing to do so isn't just impolite, either, you can go to jail for it. Of course, women can be arrested for indecent exposure as well. Consider, though, the reaction to finding a man lying naked in his yard on a hot day and a woman lying naked in hers. Which, in America, at any rate, do you think is more likely to have the cops called on them? There are certainly places in the world where women's bodies are vilified and hidden, but that's not the society being addressed here. In Western society women's bodies are beautiful and men's bodies are tolerable at best but closer to disgusting. Now it may well be that the reason for this is that men are more receptive to visual arousal, which sets the tone for what is and isn't visually attractive in an unbalanced way, but that by no means reduces the impact on men, and it's something that women contribute to as well.
So yeah, male nudity has intrinsic maleness, he hit the nail on the head with that one. The rest of the things he listed, however, are not intrinsically male. They're socially identified with maleness, but girls learn not to do these things too. They're no more core male urges than passivity, cooking, and home-making are core female urges. I don't burn things down, attack people and jump off of buildings because I don't want to, not because women as a whole "took it away from me". I also don't enact retribution on an entire gender as a response to some imagined slight. Are there guys out there who do view the world through Pargin's warped perspective? Sure, but there's no reason to believe they're anything but a minority. Of course, you'll find a ton of them if you go looking for them, but that's true of anything. It says nothing about everybody else.
#1 We Feel Powerless
Here Pargin says that when men interact with women, it's like when a person is hungry in a cartoon and sees their friend as actually being made out of food, or being a floating ham or what have you. Again he's coming back to the whole "men only think about sex" thing in the form of "everything men do is related to impressing women". This has no basis in reality. He does a little more cherry-picking and we're out the door.
So what we have here is a man who is obsessed with sex, only ever thinks about women, and hates women for being attractive. Having begun to realize this he projects it onto his entire gender rather than coming to terms with his own personal flaws. It can't possibly be him, so it must be all of us. Suddenly instead of a pathetic jerk admitting to himself that he's a pathetic jerk and needs to get his shit together, he becomes a crusader. He points out his flaws in everyone else whether they have them or not, and seeks out places where those flaws are common so he can become irritated and further affirm his distance from his own problems. If this article can, as people keep saying, "help men grow", it's by their own ability to realize that Jason Pargin is a spineless weasle who hides from his problems out in the open and drags others into his venomous bullshit like so many other guilt-ridden cowards, and that they should neither emulate him nor buy into the bile spewed by him and his ilk.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not that guy who thinks all feminists have it out for men, or that no male privilege exists. Women have to think about things and deal with things that men never encounter, but it goes both ways. There is an experiential gap between the genders, and rather than arguing over who has it worse or building dogmatic and confrontational camps, we ought to try to understand one another. It has to go both ways, though, and we can't make judgemental leaps of logic to conform to our preconceptions or project our problems onto everyone else so we don't have to deal with them.
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ReplyDeleteAccuracy aside, I like that this guy is talking to young men about how they influence their own lives. And the picture of Lenny Kravitz actually kept me in.
ReplyDeleteHi. Great piece. I especially liked the part where you failed to comprehend or even mention that you're in actuality debunking a COMEDY PIECE.
ReplyDeleteNo, it's a piece of unfunny bollocks posted to a comedy site.
DeleteGood sound insight. I read Wong's article too and was appalled at his too simple Freudian approach to 'what makes us tick.' I practically disagreed with everything in the article while wondering to myself, "Are the majority of us out there as pathetic as he's making us out to be?" I've always had great relationships with the women in my life, and I am very masculine and accepting of myself in all my personal strengths and weaknesses. However, I felt utterly insulted that he was making such broad claims across the board and then in that usual Ivory Tower way, simply said the answer is 'feminism.' In quotes because he neither defined what this 'feminism-solution' is, nor did he offer any solutions whatsoever to the apparent societal dilemma of the sex-driven 'male.' I'm always astounded how someone can take cheap uneducated pot-shots for what might only be for the sake of rabble-rousing and getting attention, run, and high society rushes up to hand them a blue ribbon. Anyway, I have met a few of these people who have unfortunately been burned so many times in life that they become bitter and full of venom and seek to spread their new-found enlightenment to others who are still living a life practical. Thanks for this great piece and cheers! :) p.s. Don't mind the other few snide comments that showed up here. Haters will be haters and they know just who and what they are. Cynicism is society's new drug, after all. Peace.
ReplyDeleteThere are some great feminist ideas that would be incredibly helpful to men in the process of our liberation from the expectations of our gender, but he didn't mention any of them. Rather, he takes a simplistic sex-negative view that rejects men as emotional beings with needs and paints them as automatons. Beep boop.
DeleteDisagree. It has been made fairly clear that Pargin's words only tell us about HIM and HIS insecurities. I won't attack him, or anyone else who agrees or disagrees. Attack is unnecessary. Pargin's article is struggling to identify as either a comedy piece or a too-honest confession of personal insecurities. To even imagine incorporating the dehumanizing, "satirical" sense of humor that he has, into these issues, that all people deal with to some extent, we would have to have major gender insecurities. The most I can say is that I feel sorry for him, because even though we may have strong feelings towards ours or others' gender issues, it is not right for us to take this approach when attempting to resolve them.
ReplyDeleteThey certainly tell us about him and his insecurities, but I don't think that's what the article was meant to do at all. He's opining about the motivations of "modern men". He's pointing at people on the reddit front page and conservative cartoonists, not himself.
DeleteAgree with Rusty Bolts. Cynicism is the escape: it isn't grounded, it isn't real, it is doesn't change a thing; especially not the thing of the mind and body and attitude of a person.
ReplyDeleteI wish that you had written a better article. It seems you wanted to vent, "I'm not like other guys!" taking David Wong's article personally as if he were writing about you personally. He was writing pretty specifically about our society, and how it perpetuates attacks by men on women. In his article, he gave many pieces of evidence to support his arguments, from start to finish, and supported his thesis.
ReplyDeleteYour article failed on so many levels. You started with a personal attack on Jason Pargin, stating that he's not representative of males as a group, but went on to mostly rant about this ONE article point by point, then threw in passive-aggressive insults at women at the end. This rant is a disconnected bunch of jargon that might sound pretty to those who lack the ability to put ideas together, but as whole it is not cogent.
For example, you focus so much on trying to pick the article apart that you fail on a fundamental level to actually deconstruct the ideas. For instance, in one place you complain about his use of examples of "actual posts that exist" following with a question "but what are they reflective of?” Just because you do not know the answer, does not a critique make – the answer is in the content of those examples and form the main thesis of the article. Another example is your frequent use of the word ‘cherry-picked’ as if that is axiomatic, but it rarely leads to a real critique. For instance, you try to use it to discredit the point that women are judged in society based on appearance. You try to invalidate this by saying the examples are “cherry-picked” – this argument means that women are not used for decoration or judged on their appearances? In your grandiose efforts to deconstruct every little part of Wong’s article, you fail to see the big picture.
These issues are, in Wong’s opinion and in mine, pervasive enough to be called out. And it would be nice if rather than saying, "I'm not like that, so don't talk about it!" if the so-called Mr. Wonderful guys (as you claim to be) would instead be allies and be willing to talk about and acknowledge that not only do these issues exist, that even if *you* don’t do it, that you probably have some friends who do. Or heaven forbid acknowledge that some of these awful ideas in our culture actually do exist and impact women in substantial, sometimes life-altering ways.
The most problematic issue with your “critique” is the self-centeredness that you project throughout, not to mention that you contradict yourself. You complain incessantly about Wong not giving YOU any concrete answers to "problems" that he identified in the article, while you also spent most of your critique saying that they were not valid problems because he just cherry-picked the examples. How can he give you an answer if there is no problem in your eyes? If we start from the premise that the issues Wong identified ARE valid issues, then it might be helpful to remember that often the best first step is admitting there is a problem.
You might also want to check your privilege and entitlement, not just as an abstract construct, but in how it influences your interpretation of the world around you. Why is it that you thought David Wong's article about hostile male reactions to women had to speak to you *directly*? Why do you think that societal examples that not only appear *pervasively* in pop culture, but that can be exemplified on the internet, by public figures, and in the media (again, pervasively), have to apply directly and exactly to YOU or they are simply invalid? Why do you think that an article has to make the subtle complex points about human behavior and idiosyncrasies and relationships you wanted it to make , rather than the points that go along with its thesis and topic? Or to break it all down for you, is your experience so very normative and entitled, that anything that strays from your so very normative and entitled experience... is wrong?
Well, Jayna, it's certainly not my favorite of the three I've got up here so far. It was written a year ago and my views have changed a bit since then, but I still feel the generalizations in the article are both sexist and rooted in his own insecurities. You're certainly right that his article made me feel the need to vent. I had a visceral emotional reaction to it, because sexism has had an actual impact on my life.
ReplyDeleteYour assumption that my experience is entitled and normative is way fucking off. I haven't bothered replying to any of the criticism of this article until now because it represents an earlier stage of my thought process that I have no interest in defending, but for you, in your supreme arrogance, to assume so much about my life when you know nothing about me isn't something I'll let pass without mention. For starters, I'm bisexual and genderqueer and I have bipolar disorder. So much for normativity. On top of that, I've lived a good chunk of my life being either sick or in pain or both nearly every day. I've never been able to run for more than a few seconds, and some days I can't even get out of bed. I still work, and at the moment I receive no government assistance. I've never made more than 20k in a year and I've been homeless several times. I'm also a survivor of abuse.
So take your assumptions about normativity and privilege and stuff them up your asshole, asshole.
I fail to see how any of that can be used as justification for a post that is essentially just a personal attack on the author. Wong has simply expressed his view on what some of the issues are with how women are treated in society, and has backed it up with evidence that these views do exist outside of his own head. Any article ever written can be accused of "cherry-picking" - that is simply part of the process of writing an opinion piece. You choose the information that supports the points you are making.
DeleteI believe your article would have been better if you had focused less on the author, and more on the content. It would have had a greater impact if you had been able to use evidence to de-construct each point, rather than relying on slurs against the author (eg. obsessed with sex, pathetic jerk). Out of the two articles (this one and Wong's) Wong's article comes across as the stronger argument, simply because it is researched and backed up with (at least) anecdotal evidence, and is not a knee-jerk reaction to hearing something you didn't like, culminating in a personal attack. If you were to write such an article, explaining with evidence and a bit less anger exactly why each point he has made is wrong - with more evidence than simply "that's not what I think/feel" - I would love to read it, and that article would perhaps lead to more discussion on the issues.
Well excuse me for having emotions and making a venting post two years ago. I think sexism being paraded as anti-sexism is abhorrent. It bothers me. Today, I probably wouldn't bother making a blog post about it, but two years ago I did. It's not my favorite bit of writing, and it's easily my least favorite of the few posts on this blog. It's certainly not as well written as it could be and it's more emotion than substance, certainly. That doesn't make Wong any less of a piece of shit.
DeleteAbsolutely great article. I hate the way Jason Pargin acts like the male gender needs to be apologized for and that all 3.5-something billion of them need to be housebroken. The truth is, he's acting like gender is the only aspect of someone's personality. Yes, the fact that I'm a man (well, boy, really) affects me a lot. That's, well, natural. But it's hardly my only attribute, and I don't think I, or any other male, should inherit judgement based on needlessly perpetuated stereotypes that are only put out to make money because it appeals to an a largely un-criticized group of ideological radicals. If it weren't for buzzwords, David Wong wouldn't be the famous fake name that it is today. Well, internet-famous, at least...
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DeleteStopped reading at "appauled"
ReplyDeleteThank You very much while you were a little emotional in your response that is a necessary evil as being completely logical in a response to something is an oxymoron.
ReplyDeleteDavid Wong used to be cool to me but his "advice" and many other articles on Cracked have becoming pandering nonsense in the vain of "self efficacy" to reel in readers and commenters.
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DeleteI'm appauled by your lack of proofing.
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DeleteYou, sir, are awesome.
I just thought someone should say it. Danke.
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